026663545, 026445225, 0553437650

Euphony Montessori Education is under the management of Euphony Future Education Centre LLC

We are dedicated in providing affordable Montessori Education courses, KinderRainbow and Educare to today’s young using technique inspired by Maria Montessori in which children are taught hands on rather than by watching.

Montessori emphasizes learning through all five senses. Learning is an exciting process of discovery leading concentration, motivation, self- discipline and a love of learning.

The classroom is divided into theme areas where related materials and bibliography are exposed on the shelves, allowing great freedom of movement. Children can work in groups or individually, respecting their own style and rhythm. Each child uses the material he chose by taking it from the shelf and putting it back in its place so others can use it.

The environment promotes the child’s independence in the exploring and learning process. Freedom and self-discipline make possible that each child finds activities that respond to their evolutionary needs.


The center’s first branch was opened during the winter of 14th December 2014 at Hamdan street, Abudhabi, UAE with an area of 1500sqft.

Euphony’s 2nd branch opened on 9th November 2017 with an area of 5600sqft at Madinat Zayed, Abudhabi, UAE with all the addition facilities for teaching and learning purpose. A kids Park has been opened to facilitate play and study method for young learners.